ISIN Code ES0113312005 Sector Technology y Telecommunications
Ticker ALC Subsector Electronics and Software
Private Meetings Ignacio Cabanas López (Director Económico-Financiero)
Luis de Castro (Director Financiero)

Altia is a company that offers high value IT services and digital transformation consulting.

With almost 30 years of experience, we continue to provide value for people and business through the latest technologies and the most suitable strategies, always with a sustainable vision that guarantees an even better future.

We are one of the first independent companies in the field, thanks to a growth based on service vocation and commitment to our customers. We have been trading in BME Growth since 2010.

Altia is the talent of its team, made up of more than 3,200 professionals working in 7 countries and more than 20 locations. Leading, connecting, exploring together.

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