ISIN Code ES0105225009 Sector Technology y Telecommunications
Ticker RBT Subsector Electronics and Software

ROBOT is a company in the sector of installations and equipment for buildings, specialized in hotels, with a clear technological scope and committed to design as a differentiating element.

ROBOT designs, manufactures, installs and maintains systems for the control of buildings. Organized in two divisions focused on product creation and service provision, from which the systems offered to its customers are designed and manufactured, installed and maintained.

The objective of ROBOT systems is to optimize the control of installations in buildings and industries and facilitate the management of their consumption. 

"We design and manufacture the products that we install and then maintain them through an integral and continuous accompaniment by our technical support." 

With offices in such strategic places as Mexico, the Arab Emirates, Russia and South Africa, directed from its headquarters in Spain, ROBOT addresses up to five major markets. 

Its expansion plan is based on a qualitative offer, with great opportunities, given its extensive experience acquired over its thirty-five years of existence, with more than five hundred projects carried out including large hotel establishments of the most important and demanding firms in the world.

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