ISIN Code ES0105513008 Sector Petrol and power
Ticker SOL Subsector Renewable Energy
Speaker Meritxell Pérez (Head of IR)
Private Meetings Meritxell Pérez (Head of IR)
Almudena Malo de Molina (Investor Relations Global Manager)

Soltec Power Holdings is a company specialising in vertically integrated solutions in the solar PV sector, with a strong commitment to innovation and sustainability. Headquartered in Murcia, the company was founded in 2004 and currently operates in 16 countries, with a major presence in Spain, North America and Latin America. The company has been listed on the Spanish Continuous Market since 2020.

Soltec structures its activity around three main business areas: i) the photovoltaic project development division, with a strong commitment to environmental, social and good governance issues, under the Powertis brand; ii) the industrial division, Soltec is the third largest manufacturer of solar trackers in the world and offers its customers additional construction services to ensure a complete and integrated value proposition; iii) Soltec Asset Management, a third business division through which Soltec manages the assets it holds in its portfolio, with the aim of maximising its profits in the medium and long term.

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