ISIN Code ES0183304312 Sector Technology y Telecommunications
Ticker VER Subsector Communication and Publicity
Speaker Pablo Pereiro Lage (Chairman & CEO)
Private Meetings Uriel Gonzalez-Montes Alvarez (Consejero)
Santiago Gimeno de Priede (Consejero)

Squirrel Media is a tech and communication group that works in a global and transversal way across its three main business areas: MEDIA (advertising and media), CONTENT (creation and distribution of all kind of audiovisual content) and TECHNOLOGICAL (TMT services). The group incorporates multiple national and international companies: Best Option Media and Squirrel Global Media in the advertising sector; Vértice Cine, Telespan and DMD Media in the content area; BOM Cine, Canal BOM, Canal Náutico, Horse TV, Class TV Moda and Radio 4G in the media sector, as well as M3 Satcom and Itesa in the technological area.

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